Business Models and Impact Analysis

At the beginning of the project a detailed market and macro-economic analysis will be done by RUG, with support from industry partners Enercy and HCL. The framework market and economic conditions for the production, distribution and end-use of H2 across the NN will be established, specifically in connection to the H2-based energy model to be deployed in the HEAVENN project.

The market and techno-economic barriers towards wide-scale commercialization of green H2 in the NN will be studied. Potential market failures in H2 market (natural monopolies, externalities, information asymmetry, hold up) will also be analyzed, and how these can be addressed by regulatory measures. Also consumer’s willingness to pay for the “green tag” associated to green H2 will be analyzed.

As an outcome, a preliminary economic model will be developed for the H2-based integrated energy system to be deployed by HEAVENN. This will be used to perform scenario analysis, to analyze interactions between these markets and to assess effects of policy measures on market outcomes, and it will inform the development of integrated business models.

Read the report of the techno-economic analysis here.

Read the report on environmental & social-economic impacts here.