Hydrogen Valley

HYDROGEN VALLEY is a business developing foundation based in the city of Hobro, Mariagerfjord Municipality – a part of the Northern Jutland Region in Denmark. HYDROGEN VALLEY has for more than a decade been active in regional business development including the creation of more than 200 local jobs and the attraction of private and public investments for more than 30 M € through a focused effort in the hydrogen, fuel cell and green energy sector making the area a recognized international fuel-cell business cluster.

HYDROGEN VALLEY is a non-profit center who strives to transform the ambitious Danish climate visions in to action. Our focus is green gasses – primarily hydrogen and biogas. The center conducts and assists in activities which establish how hydrogen and biogas can advance a green transition of the Danish Energy system. We do this in close cooperation with companies, organizations and public authorities.

With 9 highly specialized employees, HYDROGEN VALLEY has a widespread national and international network and seeks to establish private/public partnerships in close cooperation with Universities and other national and international knowledge institutions resulting in projects and business related to the transition of society’s energy supply from one based on fossil fuels to one based on renewables. HYDROGEN VALLEY has a leading role in the Danish and North European green hydrogen economy and brings an extensive network to this application.

More information: https://hydrogenvalley.dk/